So far I have gathered ten pounds of raspberries and just over four pounds of blackcurrants. The redcurrants should be ready around the end of July; sadly the whitecurrants have been taken by the birds, but I can't really complain as they seem to have left the raspberries and other currants alone (for the moment!).

Raspberry Couli
Makes about quarter of a pint
8ozs raspberries, rinsed
1.5ozs castor sugar
Place the raspberries in a bowl and sprinkle over the sugar. Cover and leave for 30 minutes. Then place the contents of the bowl in a blender and blend until smooth. Taste and add more sugar if required and blend again for a few seconds. Strain the liquid through a fine nylon sieve to remove the seeds. Put into a container, cover and store in the fridge until needed.
The coulis can be stored for several days and used over cakes, icecream, pancakes etc.
Note: if you don't want to get the blender out you could just press the fruit and sugar mix through a sieve, a bit more work but the same result.
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